生年月日 | 1994/01/30 |
国籍 | Indian |
学歴/職歴 | 【学歴】 2012年5月 Kendriya Vidyalaya Shahibaug(インド) 卒業 2012年7月 Indian Institute of Technology (インド) Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science 入学 2016年8月 Indian Institute of Technology (インド) Metallurgical Engineering and Material Science 卒業 2016年9月 東京大学大学院 Mechanical Engineering 修士課程 入学 2017年10月 Harvard Business School(アメリカ) Fundamentals of Business Thinking オンライン受講 2018年5月 東京大学大学院 Mechanical Engineering 修士課程 修了見込み 2018年5月 Harvard Business School(アメリカ) Fundamentals of Business Thinking オンライン受講 修了見込み 【職歴】 2015年5月 German Aerospace Center (DLR)(ドイツ) 入社 Synthesis of Ytterbium-doped Skutterudite thermoelectric materials. 2015年7月 German Aerospace Center (DLR)(ドイツ) 退社 2017年2月 SoftBank Corp(日本) 入社 Research of AI solutions for Smart Surveillance in Autonomous Buses, to combat emergencies and anomaly behaviors 2017年5月 SoftBank Corp(日本) 退社 |
日本語力 | Due to my busy schedule, I’m not able to take Japanese classes. Hence I’ve poor Japanese skills for now. However, I understand the importance of the language if I want to join the company. Hence, I’m planning to start with my Japanese post-graduation. I’m also open to any Japanese language training offered by the company |
英語力 | Fluent |
趣味/特技 | Travelling, Playing cricket, Gym |
自己PR | I’m a final year master student at the University of Tokyo in Graduate School of Engineering. My research is based on the domains of Solar Cells, where I’m working on thin film Perovskite Solar Cells. I have a special interest in Materials Engineering, particularly in the field of Semiconductors, Battery and Display Technologies(OLED). I’ve huge interest to work for Japanese companies whose business is in these domains. However, throughout my career, I’m willing to also acquire new skills outside my research domain to make myself a multidisciplinary engineer. Apart from my engineering skills, I’ve management skills like Financial Accounting, Business Analytics, Economics which gives me a strong platform as an engineer in any business setting. |
今までの人生で一番頑張ったことを具体的に書いて下さい(200〜300文字程度) |
There were many challenges I faced throughout my career. However, the hardest thing I faced was to leave my country and reside in Japan for higher studies. After entering the final year of my undergrad studies, I made up my mind to go to Japan for higher studies. Among Indians, Japan is a very popular destination for internships and jobs, but a very unconventional choice for higher education because of language and cultural barriers. But I was aware of university’s high quality of research and special programs for international students, which made me choose Japan. Getting selected for the university’s master’s program was like a dream come true. Coming to Japan, although I was fascinated with city, culture and international atmosphere, I was equally isolated due to disconnection from family. It was pretty tough to get accustomed to this new environment. However, I realized the unique opportunity I was blessed with and was equally supported by my friends and family back in India. Later, the fast-paced university life made me attend interesting lectures from amazing professors, make many international friends which helped me overcome my problems. And today, I’m enjoying every day in Japan to the fullest with no regrets! |
日本で働こうと思った理由は何ですか?(200〜300文字程度) |
I’m fascinated with the research activities and innovations at some of the top Japanese multinational companies. As an engineer, working at such big Japanese companies can not only boost your career but would also make you a better engineer. For example, working as a battery or a fuel cell engineer, you get opportunities to be surrounded by incredibly talented teams and get accessed with cutting-edge technologies. Although many Japanese are currently facing a stiff competition from some American and Chinese companies in different industries, I believe that this competition would drive more innovations in the coming years. Moreover, being an international student, I’m also open to working in Japanese companies’ subsidiaries globally. Since Japanese companies have their businesses globally, I can get many enriching international assignments or experiences, for which I’m highly looking forward to. These experiences can develop a sense of international outlook within a person, who has a better understanding of different markets. |
一番好きな言葉は何ですか?その理由は?(200〜300文字程度) |
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition” – Steve Jobs Like many engineers and entrepreneurs, I’m deeply inspired by Steve Jobs and his work in the development of modern computers. The above-stated quote was said by Steve Jobs at Stanford University’s graduation ceremony. Many times, we look to think logically and end up at a point in life where logics don’t work out. It can be making big career decisions or some personal life decisions. Many times, people are not able to understand your decisions, and often try to manipulate it. That’s the time where you need listen to your gut, heart, and intuition. It just gives you the power to make a decision, which can be right or wrong. In my case, before coming to Japan, everyone in my family advised me changing my career from engineering to management, because you have more probability to earn more money later on. However, I never found it the reason to give up engineering and change my career. All my work in four years, the knowledge gained, the curiosity generated would be wasted. Hence, I moved ahead with my choices to pursue higher studies in engineering assuming things to be fine. |
ワークショップ型ジョブフェアROMA(Recuruting Optimization Matching Acadamy)は、優秀な外国人留学生たちが、さまざま課題のワークショップを通じて、飾り気のない個性や能力を表現する場です。定型的な面談と異なり、さまざまな側面からその人を見ることができます。ダイバーシティ(多様性)の可能性をご覧ください。
スピーチ |
作文「今までの人生で一番頑張った事」「日本で働 きたい理由」「一番好きな言葉」のうち、一つ好きな ものを選んでスピーチします。 |
ロジカルシンキング | 【ルール】原子力発電所の建設の有無について、 賛成派と反対派に分かれて論理的に対峙します。 【ポイント】事前(3日前)にこの課題を伝え、データ やロジックを事前準備しています。論理的なディ ベートだけでなく、まじめさも見ます。 |
商売の基本 | 【ルール】100円の商品の中から、それぞれの チームが一つ選択。その商品を使って、一万円 を稼ぐにはどうしたらよいか、知恵を絞り、プレ ゼンテーションを行います。 【ポイント】既成概念にとらわれることなく、安く 仕入れ、お客様に喜んでもらいながら高く売る という「商売の基本」に対する独創性を見ます。 |
ランチワークショップ | |
ロジカルシンキング | |
商売の基本 |
2017年11月18日,第四回目のROMA(Recuruting Optimization Matching Acadamy)を開催しました。
株式会社フィギュアネット 【異文化コミュニケーション研究所®】
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