企業選びはどのようにすればよいでしょうか? How do I choose a company?


Actually, I graduated from university in America, and I wondered which  company I should work for. Innocently having my palm read, I asked what kind of company I should work for? The answer was foretold. I was advised that the electrical industry would be best for me. As a result, I decided to work for Hitachi Ltd.


But it really wasn`t due to fortune-telling. Thinking about it later, I had told the fortune-teller that I had studied computers, so anyone could have told me that the electrical industry was the right one. (f^^;)


About 30 years ago, there was no internet and the only information we had was from recruiting magazines at the bookshop and company quarterly reports.   Eventually, I purchased a company quarterly report. From the beginning of the pages for electrical appliances, I remember systematically calling every single Human Resources department.


To be honest, I don`t know if that was the right choice. I think there might have been another way.


If I were to give advice, it is only whether the feeling fits. Don`t pay too much attention to the scale of the company, salary, treatment etc., don`t think too deeply and choose the company that feels best for you.


When it comes to hiring, foreign students seem to be targeting only the top companies, which even for Japanese, are very「narrow gates」. Of course, I will not say that it is absolutely impossible but I cannot say that just because I entered that company, my future is secured.


Even Lehman Brothers went bankrupt.


The company is the place where you achieve self-actualisation. No matter how small or insubstantial your company is, you should try to make that company bigger. Because you can create your own future.

会社訪問、面接時の服装は何を選べば良いですか? What garments should I choose for interviews and company visits?


In the eyes of foreign students, how do you see a recruitment suit?



When the time for company briefing sessions is over, is it not strange to see everyone walking wearing the same colours? I didn`t like that very much, so even during the company initiation ceremony, I wore a pink shirt…. (^^;)



Well, to answer this question, we will introduce our company doctor`s advice.



**A:Let`s keep in mind that「clothes that can give a good impression to the company」

** It is said that a person`s first impressions are determined within 3-5 seconds.

** And it is said that it is necessary to talk for over 120 minutes (or more) afterwards to overturn this first impression. The reason why clothes are important is that “appearance” is greatly related to the first impression.



Indeed, I see that it is true. Further more



**There is research on first impressions.

** It is the results of psychologist Albert Mehrabian experimenting with communication of attitudes and emotions such as favor and antipathy in 1971.



** According to [Mehrabian’s law], the ratio of the impression given to the partner are,

** Language information (contents of the speech etc.): 7%

** Auditory information (tone of voice and fast talk etc.): 38%

** Visual information (such as appearance): 55%

**It would appear to be.



Everyone has a prejudice based on a stereotype. The interviewer is the same.

This doesn`t mean discrimination or differentiation but there is bound to be feelings like 「This person is from ○○country therefore…」. In order to prevent the interviewer from having such feelings, it is necessary to create a good impression, therefore personality and「good grooming」is important.

自己分析はどのように行ったらいいでしょう? How do I do self-analysis?


When I was a student, I did something like a personality diagnosis test and got a list of “occupation that matched you”. There were a variety of occupations listed, but there was nothing called “salaried workers” anywhere. (^ ^;;)


In many companies in Japan, it is more about “employment” rather than getting a job there. In other words, what kind of work you will be doing in which department is usually announced after freshman training. “I do not know if they will accept even if I make a request, because I am good at OO (or because I want to do it) because I want to be assigned to OO.”


Nonetheless, going to the university career center, it is advisable to conduct self-analysis. I am thinking if you have to be bound by that? I wonder. It becomes painful for people when bound.


Still, I will introduce you to our doctor, who will answer your question.


There is a「Self-analysis Sheet」in the『Employment Manual』. It is available to buy in any bookshop and is easy to do.


Self-analysis seems to be the first challenge for many students, as it has not been learned in school studies. Rather than paying attention to companies that many people are familiar with, you should ask beforehand, “Who am I?” “What kind of things do I want to do?” “What is my view on life?”


「Special Skill」or「Things you want to do」are separate issues.


Many people work on their「specialty」because of good grades, it is better to choose a job that allows you to「do what you want to do」.

就職マニュアルにも良いことが書かれていますが、ここでお勧めするのはリチャード・H. モリタ著「オイラの法則!―とびきりの成功法則―「成功の書」完全収録CD付/イーハトーヴフロンティア刊 – 2004/8」です。付録のCD(約60分)の中で「自己分析」についてと「仕事の選び方」についても詳しく述べられています。

Although many good things are written in the employment manual, I recommend this book by Richard H. Morita 「Oira`s Law!―A smashing success in Law ―「The Book of success」完全収録CD付/イーハトーヴフロンティア刊 – 2004/8」Complete recording CD / Ihatov Frontier Publication – 2004/8. Details about “self-analysis” and “how to choose a job” are also described in the appendix CD (about 60 minutes).

なぜ就職するのでしょうか? Why do you want to get a job?

なかなかプリミティブ (primitive)な質問ですね。

It is quite a primitive question.



I think the answer will differ for each era, each generation depending on their position.



There is a story about a man born to a rich family living near Kawaguchiko.

He said that it was not his job to reduce the amount of money he received from his parents.



Looking back myself, I remember thinking of working, that is, getting a job, so that I would no longer be a burden on my parents.



When I asked my friend this question



A: There are various ways to earn “income” in the world.

You can start your own business, earn income from assets such as stocks and real estate etc.

Among them, the method of “getting income” that is most secure and reliable is “employment”.


He answered in a very orderly manner.



For example, you may be able to make a living from singing songs on the street, taking the path of being an author, there is even the possibility I could live without having to find a job.



If you think that way, then you may not have to find a job, but in the case of foreign students like yourselves, you need to obtain a work visa in this country, so don`t hesitate too much. Please do find things you want to do in 「business operations」and try to realise your own self.-fulfillment.

就職活動(就活)の準備で最も重要なことは? What is the most important thing in preparation for job-hunting?


That is a very good question.(^^)



The answer is『Self-analysis』.



Please think calmly about 「What kind of person am I」. It is better to try to remember conscientiously from childhood days.



For example, who did you play with? What was your favourite toy? In what ways was I praised? What are my weaknesses? Let’s list them. Based on that, objectively express「yourself」please.



However, it is very rare that you understand exactly domestic occupations and companies. There is a lot of diversity in the world, like Tezuka Osamu who became a doctor then a manga artist, to homeless people who became entrepreneurs. Also, about jobs that I never considered, there are things that I noticed that it was a “vocation”.



Especially, it will be delightful when foreigners get a job in Japan.



However, it’s alright. It can be a company or occupation that feels that “If you are a ○, you can try it ~”. In some cases, you may end up changing jobs, but if you always strive to think that『I will be better than anyone』for any job, the road will open up for you.



During company interviews, I think that it is good to relate it in an honest way. If you want to get the job offer, say「I am motivated!」Don`t lie as it will be found out.



The important thing is, there is no model answer. What the other party (company) wants to know is “Who you are” and “Why did you choose this company”.


Honestly, please express yourself in a straight-forward manner.
