Common questions asked in job interviews■Resume-Related Questions■

Common questions asked in job interviews■Resume-Related Questions■

These are common questions asked in job interviews.

It’s a good idea to simulate how you would answer them in advance.

Resume-Related Questions

1 学生時代はどのようなことに取り組みましたか?
What activities did you engage in during your student years?

2 学生時代に最も頑張ったことを教えてください。
What is the most significant thing you worked on during your student years?

3 学生時代の失敗や苦労、そこからの学びを教えてください。
Tell us about a failure or difficulty you experienced as a student and what you learned from it.

4 学生生活を通じて得たこと、その成果を得るために努力したことは何ですか?
What did you gain from your student life, and what efforts did you make to achieve those results?

5 成功したと思えることはありますか?成功できた理由は何ですか?
Can you share a success you achieved? What do you think contributed to that success?

6 あなたの失敗経験を教えてください。
What is a failure experience you have had?

7 ゼミでは○○を学んでいると履歴書にありますが、具体的にはどのようなことですか?
Your resume mentions you studied ○○ in your seminar; what exactly did that involve?

8 自己PRにあった○○で、ご自身が一番成長できたと思うポイントはどこですか?
Regarding the ○○ mentioned in your self-PR, what do you think was the most significant point of your growth?
