These are common questions asked in job interviews.
It’s a good idea to simulate how you would answer them in advance.
Job Selection

1 会社選びの軸を教えてください。
What are your criteria for selecting a company?
2 会社選びで「これだけは絶対に譲りたくない」というものはありますか?
Is there anything you absolutely cannot compromise on when choosing a company?
3 仕事を選ぶ軸を教えてください。
What are your criteria for selecting a job?
4 仕事選びで「これだけは絶対に譲りたくない」というものはありますか?
Is there anything you absolutely cannot compromise on when choosing a job?
5 会社や仕事選びの軸の中で、これまでの選考でまだ解消されていない疑問はありますか?
Are there any unresolved doubts about the criteria for choosing a company or job in the selection process so far?
6 どんな人と一緒に働きたいですか?また、どんな人と一緒に働きたくないですか?
What kind of people do you want to work with, and what kind of people do you prefer not to work with?