These are common questions asked in job interviews.
It’s a good idea to simulate how you would answer them in advance.
Strengths and Weaknesses

1 あなたの強みと弱みは何ですか?
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
2 あなたの長所と短所を教えてください。
What are your strengths and shortcomings?
3 苦手なことは何ですか?
What are you not good at?
4 苦手なこととどのように向き合っていますか?
How do you deal with your weaknesses?
5 得意なことや特技があれば教えてください。
Do you have any particular skills or talents?
6 周りからどのような人だと言われますか?
How do others describe you?
7 チームの中でどんな役割を担うことが多いですか?
What roles do you often take on in a team?
8 リーダー経験はありますか?
Do you have any leadership experience?