When I was a student, I did something like a personality diagnosis test and got a list of “occupation that matched you”. There were a variety of occupations listed, but there was nothing called “salaried workers” anywhere. (^ ^;;)
In many companies in Japan, it is more about “employment” rather than getting a job there. In other words, what kind of work you will be doing in which department is usually announced after freshman training. “I do not know if they will accept even if I make a request, because I am good at OO (or because I want to do it) because I want to be assigned to OO.”
Nonetheless, going to the university career center, it is advisable to conduct self-analysis. I am thinking if you have to be bound by that? I wonder. It becomes painful for people when bound.
Still, I will introduce you to our doctor, who will answer your question.
There is a「Self-analysis Sheet」in the『Employment Manual』. It is available to buy in any bookshop and is easy to do.
Self-analysis seems to be the first challenge for many students, as it has not been learned in school studies. Rather than paying attention to companies that many people are familiar with, you should ask beforehand, “Who am I?” “What kind of things do I want to do?” “What is my view on life?”
「Special Skill」or「Things you want to do」are separate issues.
Many people work on their「specialty」because of good grades, it is better to choose a job that allows you to「do what you want to do」.
就職マニュアルにも良いことが書かれていますが、ここでお勧めするのはリチャード・H. モリタ著「オイラの法則!―とびきりの成功法則―「成功の書」完全収録CD付/イーハトーヴフロンティア刊 – 2004/8」です。付録のCD(約60分)の中で「自己分析」についてと「仕事の選び方」についても詳しく述べられています。
Although many good things are written in the employment manual, I recommend this book by Richard H. Morita 「Oira`s Law!―A smashing success in Law ―「The Book of success」完全収録CD付/イーハトーヴフロンティア刊 – 2004/8」Complete recording CD / Ihatov Frontier Publication – 2004/8. Details about “self-analysis” and “how to choose a job” are also described in the appendix CD (about 60 minutes).