会社訪問、面接時の服装は何を選べば良いですか? What garments should I choose for interviews and company visits?

  • 2024.02.05
  • Q&A
会社訪問、面接時の服装は何を選べば良いですか? What garments should I choose for interviews and company visits?


In the eyes of foreign students, how do you see a recruitment suit?



When the time for company briefing sessions is over, is it not strange to see everyone walking wearing the same colours? I didn`t like that very much, so even during the company initiation ceremony, I wore a pink shirt…. (^^;)



Well, to answer this question, we will introduce our company doctor`s advice.



**A:Let`s keep in mind that「clothes that can give a good impression to the company」

** It is said that a person`s first impressions are determined within 3-5 seconds.

** And it is said that it is necessary to talk for over 120 minutes (or more) afterwards to overturn this first impression. The reason why clothes are important is that “appearance” is greatly related to the first impression.



Indeed, I see that it is true. Further more



**There is research on first impressions.

** It is the results of psychologist Albert Mehrabian experimenting with communication of attitudes and emotions such as favor and antipathy in 1971.



** According to [Mehrabian’s law], the ratio of the impression given to the partner are,

** Language information (contents of the speech etc.): 7%

** Auditory information (tone of voice and fast talk etc.): 38%

** Visual information (such as appearance): 55%

**It would appear to be.



Everyone has a prejudice based on a stereotype. The interviewer is the same.

This doesn`t mean discrimination or differentiation but there is bound to be feelings like 「This person is from ○○country therefore…」. In order to prevent the interviewer from having such feelings, it is necessary to create a good impression, therefore personality and「good grooming」is important.
