面接で思ったことを言えるか心配です I am worried whether I can express what I think during the interview.

  • 2024.05.17
  • Q&A
面接で思ったことを言えるか心配です I am worried whether I can express what I think during the interview.


That`s right. Even if I think about interviewing in English, I get nervous. (f^^;)



You prepare various things, don`t you? There are a lot of manuals and when you look it up on the internet, you can find episodes and advice from various people.

Certainly, you will have to determine the important points and make note of it, but such a「Kintaro candy」(cookie cutter) answer will not leave a lasting impression.



Besides, even if you can deceive your opponent with heavy makeup, eventually, that plating will peel off. Well, a person who has interviewed dozens of people will easily see through this `heavy makeup`.



In any case, it is better to decide to address one thing individually, such as「Why did you choose this company」or「What would you like to do in this company」. However, the most important thing is to be able to answer properly when given unexpected questions.



You are stumped, you don`t know what to do, your heart is beating faster….



That`s alright. With a full smile on your face, “Yes, it is a question I was not expecting at all, but to be honest, I think my answer would be ○○”.



The privilege of young people is youth. Japanese companies are looking for human resources in order to grow from now on. There is no perfect person.     Everyone has something to be proud about: experience and knowledge of foreign countries, studies and endeavours in Japan so move forward without hesitation.



Alright!! Keep smiling!



Remarks: Kintaro ame is a candy where the same face appears no matter where you cut it. If you search on the net, you will find it but first of all, please look at the real thing.
