志望動機はどのように言うのでしょうか? How would describe your reasons for applying?

  • 2024.06.20
  • Q&A
志望動機はどのように言うのでしょうか? How would describe your reasons for applying?


Often, adults ask kindergarten children, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”



Then, the children give replies such as “Nurse”, “Grocer”, “Train driver”, something that seems to be fun with the profession they are familiar with. Never mind “Management Consultant”, small and difficult occupations never come out. Much less, “Sales” jobs are never mentioned. (f^^;)



Actually, for most of you, isn`t it close to why you want to apply, too?



If so, please trust your intuition and don`t think about difficult things.

For example, 「When you`re visiting the homepage、looking at various things,

you see something you could relate to and you got the feeling that if you could work for this company, it would surely be enjoyable…」  「To be honest, I was interviewed by many companies. Every company is attractive and I believe every company is good. However, no matter which company I am in, if I work harder than anyone else, I am confident I can overcome any trials.」 However, isn`t it better to convey honest feelings?



Of course, if you have a clear reason for applying, you can say it.

In that case, say 「I`m here because I want to do the work of ○○」, and inflate the image of you doing it. Have fun talking about it.



Because the interviewer is looking at your personality.



Incidentally, from my experience, when I asked a 3 year-old girl 「What would you like to be when you grow up?」the answer I got back was 『Sailor Moon』.

This time round, who is that child punishing?  (f^^;)
